Sunday, January 11, 2009

The New Insight PWNS Toyota Prius!

As I'm sure you have all heard, The new Honda Insight is being billed as a Prius killer. OK, maybe none of you have heard that, but in the automotive press these have been the rumors. Well, Motortrend just posted their first videos testing the new Honda Insight. The result? 65+ MPG!!! (I know right). The driver is kind of Hypermiling a bit to obtain that mileage, but even when he drives as aggressively as he can (notice the drift at 5:25 ish), he still obtains 29MPG or so. Pretty impressive. I'm guessing real world driving will yield in the 50+ range. Check out the video:

Pretty interesting stuff.

1 comment:

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I knew I should have asked for a hybrid for Christmas. :)

I just keep telling myself that by the time we actually need to replace our (paid off) car, the hybrid/electric technology will have improved dramatically.

Unless gas prices stay low and Americans go back to buying Hummers, in which case they all get coal in their stocking next year. Or dirt clods, which would be more environmentally friendly.