Sunday, February 10, 2008

Food Para Thought

I keep seeing things that I want to post about. One was when they CIA admitted a week or so ago that they had in fact waterboarded detainees... ONLY three though and they were probably Muslim so they don't really count. And now the most recent spin is that waterboarding isn't really torture. Then I saw this video. I think it really puts a things in perspective. Hope you do too.

It's worth mentioning that I'm glad that a Republican is asking the questions and not a Democrat because otherwise it would be all to easy to say that he had an agenda in asking what he did. OK... OK... his methods were a bit sensational, but when you get down to the subject matter I don't think the analogy can just be written off.

1 comment:

Sheree in GA said...

Loved catching up on things by looking at your blog Andrew. Lots of great family shots and other misc. things going on. Hope all is well. Aunt Sheree