Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Party

I know its been a while since I blogged, my bad. I decided to ante up and by myself an iPhone. I haven't installed any music on it yet and don't really expect to, if I'm honest. It's done an amazing job and keeping things organized for me. I've used it more as a tool than a toy which is contrary to what my expectations were going in.

In other news, my friend Beau had his birthday at the eh hem... GRAND AMERICA this weekend. Of course he got one of the big suites, because, why not right? The hotel is by far the most beautiful building on the Salt Lake City skyline though it sits just slightly outside of downtown. Here's a picture:

The suite was on the south facing (right side in this picture) side of the hotel and the balcony overlooked the swimming pool. The suite was as large as it was decadent. The balcony was the size of an average hotel room. It had a kitchen complete with a washing machine. I have to be honest that a washing machine in a hotel this expensive - in a suite no less- seems a bit redundant. Any person with the money to stay there would have the money to send out their laundry, but whatever. Here are some pictures of the evening.

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This is Becka and Kirstin. Every single girl at this picture was a total dime (i.e. a ten). Well, the ones that I allowed in front of my camera were anyway. Becka (Bex) works with Abercrombie & Fitch and therefore knows Adam - my best friend - and Beau - the birthday boy. Kirstin is one of Beau's best friends. I hadn't seen her since leaving for Kenya and she looked great. Though she claimed she hasn't consciously been loosing weight, she has lost in none the less.

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From left to right: Johnnie, Kirstin, Becka, Julie, and Me. Julie is one of Adam's Assistant managers at Abercrombie.

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My best friend Adam and I. I borrowed his signature look that night. I hope he'll forgive me. I never would have bought a sweater vest had i not seen him rock it so hard.

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I can't remember the girl in the middles name. I hate that this is so blurry.

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Kirstin and I must have hung out a lot. I have a million pictures with her. She's fun.

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Me? Distracted? Who knew?

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Beau, the birthday boy on the left.

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Choosing to take all of the pictures in the kitchen was a horrible Idea, The back drop was so poor relative to the rest of the suite and the lighting was very very yellow. From left: Nate, my close friend that just graduated BYU law school last year, Johnnie, Adam, and lil old me. (Great outfit right?)

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By the end of the night we were tired. The party went late and it is finals week. P.s. notice the wallpaper. It's pretty.

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We took a couple pictures leaving the hotel. This was a fun one.

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Just the way I like it. Me front and center... I mean. Um.... shoot. I must close by thanking Tyra for teaching me to smile with my eyes. I mocked until I put it to the test. My pictures are so much better now. Thank You Tyra Banks!


Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Interesting to see how the other half lives.

Christine said...

It looks like you guys had a ton of fun. Brad had his work Christmas party there. It is SO pretty.

Nate W. said...

I'm not sure how I feel about the one where I have my eyes closed. If this was grade school, my mom would be contacting you about getting re-takes.

Jill Walker said...

Yeah, no wonder you thought they were all a dime! There is enough cleavage there to last you until next year's party!

Love the pics of Kenya! What a great opportunity for you!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Ditto Aunt Jill on the cleavage thing. If that party had been at the Wilk, the Honor Council would have shut it down in a Salt Lake minute. Yeesh.

Nate W. said...

For the love of God, would you please update your blog!!!!

(P.S. don't publish this.)