Sunday, July 8, 2007

Australia, You can do it!!!!!

Australia remains the only continent I haven’t had visitors from. Maybe my Google bomb technique will work for that
too?We’ll have to see. This will be short and sweet, I had a few pics that I had told my friend Andy about and I figured
I’d let the rest of you see them. This first one is another one for my OSHA folder. Using a chisel to demolish the rooftop
you are sitting on top of must be 10,000 times worse than painting yourself into a corner of a room. I thought it was
really funny. They hadn’t finished by the time we left work and when we got back after Lamu the new roof was up so I
guess it worked.

This next picture was a really oddly placed donation box at a school in Shella on Lamu.
The school was on one of the busier streets in the town so many tourists probably walk
past there.

This last picture is admittedly really really random. A bunch of Donkeys were walking
around the ships during low tide and I thought that it made an interesting picture. It looks
like the donkeys are walking on water if you cross your eyes slightly. Just kidding, but I'm
glad some of you tried it anyway.

Thats all for now folks. Thanks for reading. Sorry for the crazy font changes. Blogger was
Giving me no love tonight.


Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Love the donation box.

I hear you on the font thing. I'm generally a fan of Google, but I'm really disappointed that they haven't made the font features of Gmail and Blogger more user friendly. Whenever I paste something from Word they give me grief.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

P.S. So Australia's your only holdout? Congrats on getting a hit from Antarctica. :) Was it from a scientist or a penguin?

Jim said...

I have a suggestion - Next blog post should be "Free iPhone information for Australian residents - register by June 29 2007" - you may get a google hit or two to attract an Aussie or two...