Thursday, September 11, 2008

You Might Be a Sorenson IF

You might be a Sorenson if you are a skilled enough "knee driver" to be able to take both hands off of the wheel going 85 and take pictures out your car window of a rainbow all while making sure you A. Don't rear end anyone. B. Don't hit the semi permanent median on the freeway inches from your car. And C. make sure that the window is simultaneously down far enough to not be seen in the picture, but not so far that rain can enter the car. Here is one of my fav's that I took. Not too bad for a cell phone eh?

I just noticed that if you click the picture you can see a reflected rainbow next to the main rainbow. Fun.

In other news, I've started a new book called "Good to Great". I wonder what my roommate thinks about the fact that I don't read fiction since he was an English Lit. Major. Either way, its what I enjoy and can relate to so its what I read. So far the book is really thought provoking. The great thing about serious business books is that although they do feel slightly like self-help books at points, they never stoop to being purely anecdotal. Teams of researchers spent 5 years mulling over what made great companies outperform competitors based on some very very intense quantitative metrics. This really oversimplifies things, but the book is great so far. Anyway. I hope all is well for everyone. I'll write more soon.


Chad said...

I recall some "Sorenson" driving moments going to and from seminary and other church related activities. Usually I didn't mind until we hit a bump and my head hit the back window of the Eclipse. Ow. Nice to know some things never change.

We really liked "Good To Great."

Caitlin said...

Dang it- I was signed in as Chad. Oops.

Jill Walker said...

Yep, that sounds just exactly like something a Sorenson would do! Hope you are well. Love ya!