Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The worst part about this is that if the kid told me the story I would think he was exaggerating.

And finding this video made me find a bunch more. Though these are the best. Just wait until the policeman puts the girl in a choke hold. It's really good.

and part two:

Taking the war on terror to the streets of your town.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More Food for Thought

I told some of you that as part of my new years resolution I decided I would cut back soda consumption to 1 beverage on 1 day of the week. I didn't have any formal evidence at that point that drinking even diet sodas led to weight gain, but I've lost 10 pounds since then (I know right?). I read this article on artificial sweeteners today that backed up my intuition on the subject.(Click here to read the article)

Here are a couple notable quotes from the article:

"The report, published in Behavioral Neuroscience, presents some counterintuitive findings: Animals fed with artificially sweetened yogurt over a two-week period consumed more calories and gained more weight — mostly in the form of fat — than animals eating yogurt flavored with glucose, a natural, high-calorie sweetener."

And then my favorite...

"A University of Texas Health Science Center survey in 2005 found that people who drink diet soft drinks may actually gain weight; in that study, for every can of diet soda people consumed each day, there was a 41% increased risk of being overweight."

Although I also gave up fried foods (i.e. french fries) except for one day a week at the same time, I'm comfortable with the belief that giving up soda has played just as an important role in the weight loss. And lets be honest people, it takes less time to give up soda than to go out and exercise.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Food Para Thought

I keep seeing things that I want to post about. One was when they CIA admitted a week or so ago that they had in fact waterboarded detainees... ONLY three though and they were probably Muslim so they don't really count. And now the most recent spin is that waterboarding isn't really torture. Then I saw this video. I think it really puts a things in perspective. Hope you do too.

It's worth mentioning that I'm glad that a Republican is asking the questions and not a Democrat because otherwise it would be all to easy to say that he had an agenda in asking what he did. OK... OK... his methods were a bit sensational, but when you get down to the subject matter I don't think the analogy can just be written off.